Friday, January 14, 2011

The items of the day...more like week.

Today is friday!  Thank goodness I thought it would never happen.  The talk of the week at school in my friend group is about sex.  Yes, we have been having sex in the city nights every night.  Trying to get through all the seasons.  This began the conversation on sex before marriage.

This is a very big thing in college. More, I think in college then in high school, just because now people are able to live on there own without having to worry about your parents walking in on you and your boyfriend/girlfriend doing it.

This leads to a question.  Is it okay to have sex before marriage? And if so why, or why not?
I have to say I just always assumed I would wait till I got married to have sex.  Not because I was afraid God would condemn me but because it just made sense to me.  I have never felt ready to trust someone with that part of me.  Then when I have the What ifs in my head.  If I do have sex before what happens if we don't work out? What happens if then, he just wants me for the sex and not me?  What happens when we break up?  Anyone I have sex with is going to be so special that it will hurt like nothing in the world has.  But then if you add sex into the combination it would make it even harder to get over.

It took me 2 years to get over my first boyfriend, a year and a half of therapy and we never had sex.  On top of that, I was the one who broke up the relationship.

There are times I question whether I will ever have another relationship.  I be honest I scared out of my mind.  The last one ended so messy, and the kicker is we never had sex.  So I have to say until I am absolutely certain/ engaged/ married I won't have sex.  I am okay with that.  I have to say it has nothing to do with religion.  I could care less.  It is funny when you really think about it because if the "popular" religion told everyone to have sex before marriage people would be thinking the opposite.  Sex would be no big deal. More people would be smart about not ending up pregnant and our sense of sexuality would not be so over the top.

My old french teacher told me she didn't want her daughter growing up thinking being a virgin or having sex was a big deal because she wants her to be positive about her body, smart about having sex, understand the good and bad and know that just because you give yourself to one man doesn't mean that if you both split up you will not have the same of better experience with someone else.

For being in college.  It can be hard because there are times were it seems like everyone is hooking up.  The one problem for me is people have different definitions for "hooking up." I think it is something everyone even men should consider before entering into college or any sexual relationship.  Because one night you can be a care free teen and the next you have entered into an adult world, with adult issues.  The one kicker is usually parents get so mad or upset that if there kid was in trouble the parents won't know because they are scared of what they will say.

This is just my thought on life.  Take or leave it.

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